
Tuesday 15 January 2013

Eating Apples Before Bedtime!

Eating anything shortly before going to bed can lead to difficulties falling asleep and may disturb your sleep throughout the night. While this is true of most foods, rich, heavy, spicy and fatty foods may be more detrimental to your sleep than others. Containing a number of sleep-promoting vitamins and minerals, polyphenol antioxidants and almost no fat, apples may be one of the best treatments for your late-night hunger pangs.

Vitamins and Minerals

Apples are a good source of vitamin C and can supply you with vitamin B6 and potassium, both of which may promote proper sleep. Vitamin C can help decrease blood pressure, improve your breathing and lower your blood sugar, helping you to relax and breathe properly as you sleep. Potassium serves as an electrolyte by conducting electrical signals through your body, helping to maintain a regular heart beat and conducting nerve transmissions that promote relaxation and sleep. Vitamin B6 can reduce stress and help you sleep by promoting the release of the mood-elevating neurotransmitter serotonin. In addition, it is essential to breaking down fats and using energy, potentially helping you to burn fat as you sleep.


Polyphenols in apples are a type of antioxidant mainly found in their skins. As such, apple juice and other apple products made without the skins may not have the same polyphenol content as whole apples. Quercetin is one of these chemicals, which helps to regulate the breakdown of carbohydrates and lower blood sugar. This prevents large spikes in blood sugar by allowing your body to slowly process foods, helping you to avoid late-night surges in energy. Phlorizin is another blood sugar-regulating polyphenol, while the catechins present in apples may help your body to burn fat as you sleep and can lower body fat percentage over time.

Fiber and Water

Approximately 86 percent of the edible portion of an average, medium-sized apple's 182 g is water. A medium-sized apple also contains approximately 15 percent of your daily fiber, providing necessary bulk to keep you full as you sleep. The insoluble fiber in an apple also helps to retain its water in your intestines. This prevents washroom breaks through the night, aids digestion and helps to cleanse your colon as you sleep. The soluble fiber in apples, on the other hand, is broken down by your body and can help to lower blood cholesterol levels, making for better circulation and sleep over time.

Calories, Carbs and Fat

Apples contain almost no fat and are low in calories, with a medium-sized apple adding only 95 calories to your daily intake. While apples contain almost 10 percent of your daily carbs, this carbohydrate content arises mainly from simple sugars and fiber. The blood sugar-regulating properties of apples draw out the breakdown of these simple sugars, helping you to avoid energy surges as you sleep. Coupled with their high fiber content, this slow breakdown of simple sugars makes apples a fine snack for filling yourself up before sleeping and remaining full throughout the night.

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